Envoy (1852)
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The 178 ton, stern wheel steam vessel Envoy was built in 1852 at West Elizabeth, Pennsylvania. The Envoy was involved in a collided with the Jane Franklin and sank in November 1852. It was refloated the same year. It was later used on the Upper Mississippi from 1857-1858.
Final Voyage

The stern wheel steam vessel Envoy collided with the steamer Milwaukee in Coon Slough on 7/21/1858. The problem is that while Berman (1972), Lytle-Holdcamper (1975), and Way's Packet Directory (1983) all report the Envoy as lost/sunk in 1858, the original newspaper report (La Crosse Republican & Leader 7/28/1858) only mentions the Envoy colliding with a wood boat the Milwaukee was towing. No mention is made of the Envoy being wrecked, but being "considerably injured".
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