Hustler (1893)
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Final Voyage

November 8,1912: While en route to Menominee from Pestigo with a cargo of fish, the gas schooner Hustler exploded about 9 am, blowing out the deck, one side of the cabin and catching fire. After fighting the fire for more than an hour with no effect, and with two feet of water in the hold, Captain Orin Angwall and Forest Angwall (brothers) began efforts to abandon the vessel. However, while launching the Hustler's yawl, they lost the oars. Not wanting to face the strong northwest winds and high seas in a powerless small boat, the crew remained on board until 11:30 in the morning, when they had to abandon the schooner. Fortunately, they were picked up by Edward Stephenson in his fish boat after leaving the burning vessel.

The canal lifesaving crew had been sent out to the burning vessel, but because of poor directions, never located the craft.

Last Document Of Enrollment Surrendered: Milwaukee: 11/9/1912: " vessel destroyed by fire".
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