Julia Smith (1847)
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Service History

The wooden two masted schooner Julia Smith was built in 1848 at Saginaw, Michigan by either Nelson Smith or A.F. Locke. In 1874 the vessel was valued at $3,000 and rated for insurance at B1. At the time of loss the Julia Smith was not insured. The official registry number was 12979.

September 1857: The Julia Smith sank and was raised in the Detroit River. $1,600.00 loss.

November 1866: Ashore and released on the Pine River, Lake Huron. $280.00 loss.

June 1869: Collided with the Tug Tift near Milwaukee. Repaired.

July 1869: Ashore and later released near Racine with a load of lumber. $10,000.00 loss.

April 1871: Lost her anchors on Lake Michigan. Replaced at a $500.00 cost.

Last Document Of Enrollment Surrendered: Milwaukee: 11/28/1881: "Total Loss".
Final Voyage

At about 5 am on Monday 11/29/1881, the two masted schooner Julia Smith loaded with 60 cords of wood from Hibbard's pier at Jacksonport, Door County came to anchor off Ahnapee, Kewaunee County "close to shore and 80 rods north of the anchorage". In the face of a strong South wind, her anchors dragged badly and by 2 pm she was only in twelve feet of water. Believing the situation to be hopeless, the crew slipped the cable, and the Smith grounded in seven or eight feet of water. The four man crew was rescued by the small boat from the scow-schooner Sea Star. The Smith went to pieces, wreckage later being washed ashore. The Julia Smith's sails, rigging and portions of the hull became twisted in an inextricable mass and could not be saved, the schooner was a total loss. Most of the cargo was saved when it drifted ashore.
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