Milton (1867)
Scow Schooner Milton at Montague, Michigan. Historic American Merchant Marine Records. Works Progress Administration
By The Numbers
Lives Lost
Depth (ft)
Service History

The two masted scow- schooner Milton was built in 1867 by the shipbuilding partnership formed by Thomas Davidson and Lemuel Ellsworth in Milwaukee. The Milton was used principally in the lumber trade. In 1874 the Board of Lake Underwriters valued the vessel at $3,000 and gave her the rating of B2. Her official registry number was 50395.
The Milton was ashore at White Hall, Lake Michigan in September of 1869. In November 1877 the Milton collided with the schooner Lotus near Port Washington. In 1883 she was ashore on a reef, south Reynolds Pier, Horn Pier, Wisconsin.

Last Document of Enrollment Surrendered: Milwaukee: 9/30/1885: "Total Loss".
Final Voyage

"On September 8, 1885 she foundered off Two Rivers Point in Lake Michigan with a loss of five lives. She was taking a load of wood from Ellison Bay to Milwaukee."

"...The scow Milton, of Milwaukee, ... all her crew were drowned. It is supposed that the scow capsized Tuesday night, and the crew were probably drowned attempting to reach shore. The Milton left Milwaukee a week ago last night, loaded a cargo of about 100 cords of wood at Hedge Hog Harbor, and should have arrived here on Wednesday. Her cargo was owned by Theodore Plattner, of this city. The Milton was built at this port by Ellsworth and Davidson in 1867. She measured 130 tons, was owned by Capt. Mathiason, and valued at $1,500. There was no insurance on vessel or cargo." Milwaukee Sentinel 9/11/1885.

"Perils Of The Lakes. The Wreck of the scow Milton washes ashore at Two Rivers. Reports of Many Disasters caused by the Recent Gale. Capt. Piton of the Two Rivers life-saving crew,in a message to the collector of customs at this port yesterday, reported that the wreckof the scow Milton had drifted ashore near this place, together with considerable other wreckage, and about fifty cords of wood and about 1000 posts of the Milton's cargo. The latter had been piled up on the beach by citizens, but he had forbidden them from hauling it away, and requested that the owners of the cargo be notified. Theodore Platten, the owner of the cargo was notified and will recover his property. None of the bodies of the Milton 's crew have yet been found. The family of Capt. Julius Mathiason is in destitute circumstances..." The Milwaukee Sentinel 9/12/1885.

Capt. Pelon,of the Two Rivers life-saving crew writes that the Milton is in seven feet of water and that only her anchors and chains can be recovered. He has her yawl and part of her canvas." Milwaukee Sentinel 9/18/1885.

The anchors were salvaged on July 10, 1886 by the wrecking steamer Grace Williams.
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